Who we are
The WOW Works American Job Center Community Network (AJCCN) is a partnership of organizations, educational institutions, and public agencies working together to serve businesses and individuals in Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. The goal is to provide a single point of access for those wishing to engage with the public workforce system. This includes a level of organizational coordination that allows agencies to refer individuals and businesses to the organization or groups of organizations that will best meet their unique needs.
The WOW Works AJCCN coordinates services through regular inter-agency meetings, training opportunities, and shared support services.
WOW Works American Job Center Community Network includes mandatory and optional partners that are coordinated by the One Stop Operator for WOW Works Workforce Development Board (WDB). WOW Works WDB is one of Wisconsin’s eleven workforce development boards that provides demand-driven regional workforce development leadership and is authorized to lead this work through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
What we do
Our partners advance the economic well-being of the region by developing and maintaining a quality workforce and by serving as the focal point for local and regional workforce development initiatives.
For job seekers, our partners provide job training, education and workforce services on line and in person. Computer resource rooms and career experts are located at our comprehensive center in Waukesha, schools, libraries, and locations throughout the community as well as virtually.
For businesses, our partners help to build the talent pipeline through workforce training and up-skill education, helping with recruitment and retention, offering seminars, and providing labor market information and workforce expertise.
Accessibility and Equal Employment
All organizations providing services as part of the WOW Works American Job Center Community Network are Equal Opportunity program and service providers. Learn more about your rights and an explanation on what to do if you believe you have experienced discrimination.
Accommodations: If you have a disability and need information in an alternative format, including language assistance or translation, and/ or need assistance with this information, please contact us at (262) 695-7800 or call through Wisconsin Relay Service 711.
Equal Employment Opportunity: Wisconsin Workforce Boards and American Job Center Network partners are Equal Opportunity Employers & Service Providers. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.