Looking to start or grow your career? You’ve come to the right place! We offer a variety of services and programs to help you take your next step.
I am a job seeker over the age of 18.
I am a job seeker between ages of 16 - 24.
Resources for All Ages
We’re here to help! Please visit one of our service locations, so we can guide you through the available job seeker resources including staffed computers for job searches, resume reviews, and connections to other programs and partner resources including unemployment insurance. Walk-ins welcome, no reservation needed!
Waukesha American Job Center
2607 N. Grandview Blvd.
Suite 100, Entrance Door A
Waukesha, WI 53188
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (closed holidays)
Note: Staff lunch break from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (self-service open)
West Bend Workforce Suite at MPTC
2200 Green Tree Road
West Bend, WI 53090
MON | 8:00-11:30 AM and 12:30-4:00 PM (closed holidays)
TUES & WED | By appointment (call 262-956-6875 at least 24 hours ahead)
Job assistance is also available at local libraries:
Germantown Community Library
MON | 1:00-3:30 PM | More Info
Cedarburg Public Library
TUES | 1:00-3:30 PM | More Info
Hartford’s Jack Russell Memorial Library
WED | 1:00-3:30 PM | More Info
Mukwonago Community Library
THURS | 1:00-3:30 PM | More Info
Visit our events page to see an up-to-date listing of local job fairs and free workforce development events hosted by our community network partners.
If you need immediate assistance, you can access a range of services online. Please take a moment to explore these carefully selected and vetted resources.
Job Center of Wisconsin – view job listings, career resources, and unemployment services; apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits
Handshake - connect to internships, co-ops, and full-time job opportunities (for college students/recent graduates)
Wisc.Jobs – access employment opportunities with state government agencies
WisConnect – seek internships with Wisconsin employers
If you need immediate assistance, you can access a range of services online. Please take a moment to explore these carefully selected and vetted resources to learn new skills, research potential careers, develop your resume, or prepare for an interview.
Bridges Library System tools – explore local companies with Reference USA or take a Udemy online video course (for library card holders)
Job Center of Wisconsin’s Hot Jobs section – view in-demand employment opportunities across various industries
My Next Move – discover sample jobs, salary information, and skills assessments
mySkills myFuture – get personalized career guidance based on your existing skills
Skill Explorer – widen your career options, develop skills, and access educational and training opportunities
WCTC Career Connections workshops – develop your resume and/or prepare to ace an interview (self-paced trainings)
Identify, apply, and manage your state of Wisconsin benefits in one place.
Take an anonymous quiz to see what benefits you qualify for including getting healthcare coverage, paying for groceries or child care costs, and more.
ACCESS is available online and includes the following programs:
Help getting health care
Wisconsin Medicaid provides health care coverage, long-term care, and other services for people of all ages. There are many different Medicaid programs, such as BadgerCare Plus.
Learn about Wisconsin Medicaid
Help buying food
FoodShare, Wisconsin's version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), helps people with limited money buy the food they need for good health.
Help with child care costs
The Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program helps families pay for child care so parents and caretakers can work, go to school, or get training.
Help finding a job or building skills
Wisconsin Works (W-2) provides employment preparation services, case management, and cash assistance to parents and pregnant women.
Help with Summer EBT
The Summer EBT program provides food benefits to eligible children for the summer months. You may choose to opt out from receiving these benefits.
Update Contact Information or Opt Out from Summer EBT Benefits
Help With Kids' Special Needs
Wisconsin Wayfinder supports families of children with delays, disabilities, special health care needs, or mental health conditions, by helping them find supports and services.
Programs for Adults
In addition to the universally accessible resources through our walk-in service locations, job fairs, and online resources, the WOW Works Community Network has additional programs for individuals over the age of 18. Each program may have additional eligibility requirements.
Not sure where to start?
Connect with one of our WOW Works concierge or DWD Job Service navigators.
Visit us in person
Waukesha American Job Center
West Bend Workforce Suite @ MPTC
Various libraries
Chat with us
Use the Live Chat feature on our website.
Call us at 262-695-7800
Complete a connection form online
Programs for Young Adults
In addition to the universally accessible resources through our walk-in service locations, job fairs, and online resources, the WOW Works Community Network has additional programs specifically for individuals between the ages of 16 - 24.
Worker’s Permit Application.
Get a permit to work if you are under the age of 16 from the Department of Workforce Development. Learn more.
Work Experience.
Team up with a career planner who can help you find a placement in a paid work experience to earn while you learn. Learn more.
Training and Education Programs.
Get skills and training to help you start your dream career. Whether you still need a High School Diploma/GED/HSED or are looking to add a certificate, apprenticeship, or get an Associate’s degree - we can help eligible customers! Learn more.
Independent Living Program.
Transitioning from youth to adulthood is hard. Let Forward Careers help you achieve independence. We can provide assistance for eligible individuals between the ages of 18-24 with: housing, education, employment, transportation, medical and financial needs. Learn more.